آخر الأخبار
ticker اعتماد عمان الأهلية كمركز معتمد لتدريس برامج بيرسون BTEC الدولية ticker "بطاقة المستثمر" تمنح حاملها الأولوية بإنجاز المعاملات ticker المراعي تعلن عدم اكتمال الاستحواذ على شركة البان حمودة ticker انخفاض مؤشرات الأسهم الأميركية ticker 320 مليون دولار حوالات المغتربين للأردن في كانون الثاني ticker الحكومة تقر مشروع قانون للتعامل بالاصول الافتراضية والعملات الرقمية ticker مكالمة استمرت ساعة ونصف .. انتهاء المحادثات بين ترامب وبوتين ticker الحكومة تسمح بإنشاء مصانع لإنتاج التبغ في العقبة ticker حصيلة غير نهائية .. 412 شهيدًا باستئاف المجازر الإسرائيلية في غزة ticker نائب الملك يشارك مرتبات إدارة مكافحة المخدرات مأدبة الإفطار ticker المنتخب الوطني يكثف تحضيراته لمواجهة فلسطين وكوريا ticker إصابة شخص بعملية عصف وتفريخ وميضي لبئر محروقات في طبربور ticker الأردن: الغارات الإسرائيلية على أراضي سوريا خرق فاضح ticker قاض أمريكي: محتمل أن إيلون ماسك انتهك الدستور بطرق متعددة ticker الأمن يحذر من الانجرار او التفاعل مع حسابات خارجية تثير الفتن ticker إحالة أقدم أمين عام في الأردن إلى التقاعد ticker حسان: هذه الحكومة يهمّها المواطن ولا مكان لمن لا يكترث ticker الأردن يدين استئناف إسرائيل عدوانها على غزة ticker أكبر جدارية للعلم الأردني تزين متحف آرمات عمان ticker الأردن يدين محاولة اغتيال رئيس جمهورية الصومال

النائب العرموطي: عدم شمول الذم والجرائم الالكترونية بالعفو هز المؤسسة القانونية

هوا الأردن -

Al-Tarawneh said in his proposal that the failure to cover the crimes of slander, slander and contempt mentioned in the draft amnesty set out in articles 188/199 is the strangest thing I have seen in this law, and the legal institution has been shaken, especially since these crimes are weak cases that fall in the absence of a claim of personal right. 

He added that we can not link the coverage of cases of murder if there is a personal right to drop the issues of slander and slander as the project has stipulated the fall of the personal right and this is unacceptable. 

Al-Armouti said that he feels that this article has been detailed for some people, and this is not allowed to legislate. 

He called for the inclusion of electronic crimes and open a new page with citizens and public opinion. 

Hence the proposal of Alarmouti: 

In the name of God the Merciful
He says:} and repress anger and forgive people and Allah loves the doers of good { 
He says:} and the Magistrate is better { 
suggestions on the draft general amnesty law: 

It is known that the general amnesty is exceptional as comments the text of the law , a prejudice to the legal force of the text and then not owned only authority The general amnesty does not harm the rights of others, since the personal right does not fall, but the general amnesty includes the dropping of the general right - general amnesty - to put an end to the act.

The pardon of public amnesty / social calming by forgetting the crimes committed in social conditions in the streets of April These crimes to be deleted from the social memory in order to prepare the community or go through a new phase of his life The amnesty is issued after periods of political and social turmoil and amnesty General constitutional entitlement under the provisions of Article 38 Which provides the king with the right to a special amnesty and a reduction in the sentence, or a general amnesty to be decided by special law, a general amnesty must be imposed on the basis of which the persons covered by the amnesty are entitled to exercise their civil and political rights and obtain non-government, Social security and dealing with this humanitarian project as part of their children brought together state of tolerance between members of the community and give opportunities to people who are pardoned to repent and return to the right and work hard on the right road and repair themselves. 

• Regarding crimes not covered by the amnesty:

Article 109: It shall be included in this Article. The person who participated in a conspiracy against the security of the State and informs the Authority before embarking on any act of execution shall be exempt from the penalty. 

2. Article 122 should be covered in terms of political right and freedom of opinion and expression, especially that many countries do not criminalize such acts and is related to the abuse of a foreign state or its armies or flag or logo.

3. The slander, defamation, or defamation that is publicly committed against a foreign head of state or its political representative in the Kingdom. If these towns do not punish those who submit such acts, why does not such amnesty include such acts? Jordanian, including those who represent these acts within the Zionist enemy, trampling the flag of the entity in the professional trade union, or burning the Zionist flag under his dome the parliament will not be covered by the general amnesty. 

4. The Jordanian citizen has the right to exercise political action, which is a constitutional right. It is not permissible to detain his mind and intellect because the freedom of opinion is safeguarded - constitutionally, the acts must be covered by amnesty.

Article (150) Penalties: It is necessary to include the acts contained in this article in relation to each book, and every speech or work intended to stir up strife - or racism This text is loose and expands to ijtihad, and the penalty of the crime of misdemeanor of a year and not more than three to three years , It is possible to reduce the year to one month and be replaced by a fine, then it must be covered by pardon. 

Article 151 Any person who belongs to an association established to the extent stated in article (150) shall be subject to imprisonment for a period not less than one year and a fine of ten dinars, and the year may be reduced for reasons of relief for a month, for example. This should include punishment for many political sectors, including a national necessity, and the amnesty should be included in article 152 / penalties for anyone who alleges false allegations regarding the decline in national securities. The offense is punishable by imprisonment from six months to three years and a fine not exceeding On one hundred dinars.

Article 153: Penalties shall be included in the general amnesty regarding illegal entry and exit in the Kingdom. Note that the penalty is imprisonment for a period not less than three months. The various reasons may be used for a week and may be replaced by a fine. 

Article 159 / Paragraph 2 / Penalties: I propose its inclusion as this text relates to all groups of people governed by the law to inform its system to the government and differ from it or hold its meetings and include any center or committee or body or division of the illegal association. These associations, which are active in parties, trade unions, and committees opposed to normalization, constitute a danger to the security of the state in particular, and such committees are loyal to the nation and its nation.

9. I also propose the inclusion of Article 160 of the general amnesty, which relates to affiliation to or association with an accredited mission. This association is not a bad association but a violation of the law and punishment may reach in this article for a period not exceeding two years and can be intimidated to three months or a month for various reasons, . 

Article / 162 / Penalties: This article must be included in the general amnesty regarding the payment of donations of subsidies to the unlawful association which is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months. The penalty may be one week for mitigating reasons and is replaced by a fine. Internal security poses no danger.

Article / 163 / Penalties: I believe that this article should be covered by a general amnesty because the crime is a misdemeanor and its penalty is imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or a fine not exceeding 50 dinars. In other words, the judge has the right to be fined only. This amnesty is a violation of the constitutional entitlement and the general amnesty of the amnesty and thus does not constitute a danger and does not affect national security. This is evidenced by the amount of punishment that reaches the fine, while the inclusion of the murder in the case of reconciliation is covered by the amnesty.

Article / 185 / Penalties: It concerns the resistance of the employee during the implementation of the laws or the implementation of a judicial order punishable by imprisonment for a period of not less than one year, which is a misdemeanor. Note that the amnesty scheme included amnesty for crimes related to non-implementation of judicial decisions by ministers, officials and government officials, there is a clear contradiction of double standards. 

Article / 186 / Penalties: An amnesty must be included in this article, which relates to actual or passive resistance to the cessation of lawful work, which does not constitute a danger and is a misdemeanor and punishment from three months to two years or a fine. Is it reasonable for a person to be fined? While there are criminal offenses in the draft law that have been included in the amnesty, even if they pose a threat to the penalty.
Article / 187 / Penalties: It shall be included in the case of beating or assaulting an employee while exercising a position punishable by a term of imprisonment of not less than six months and may be replaced by a fine. Is this a danger to the security of the compound?

Article / 369 / Penalties: It states that deliberately setting fire to forests or forests to litter must be included because in the villages and rural areas may resort to some of the economic and social conditions to do such an act and therefore to relieve our people in these areas must be covered with amnesty General. 

16. Article 376 / Penalties: A penalty of imprisonment from six months to two years relating to assault on public roads, and as long as the fine and compensation for the damage are signed, I believe that this act should be covered by general amnesty. 

17. Article 327, and Article 328, relate to murder with intent:
I see the inclusion of these articles in the general amnesty, as well as article 326. The intentional killing is covered by the amnesty in the event of the downfall of the personal right, and therefore all murders must be covered as long as the personal right is rejected and reconciliation is tolerated among the people.
18. Article 400-405 bis, including the general amnesty: which will relate to theft if there is a drop of personal right. 

Article 296 is not covered by general amnesty, for example: 

20. The offenses of seduction, slander and violation of the sanctity of the places mentioned in article 304 are covered by general amnesty, as well as including the promotion of immorality and the violation of morality and morality contained in article 309 , 311,310, .... So I propose every crime in which to drop a personal right covered by the amnesty.

21. With regard to the crimes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, I see the inclusion of the abusers for the first time ... and give him the opportunity, especially as the abuse has spread in universities and schools in a remarkable way, it must be reform of the treatment and return to the right. 

22. With regard to crimes that are contrary to the provisions of the Economic Crimes Law, it is necessary to mention the texts and articles excluded. It should not be said that the crimes contained in the Economic Crimes Law are not covered.

23. Misdemeanors must be included in this law and exceptions should be made to some of the sensitive issues that have preoccupied public opinion. The enactment of the law may conflict with some legislation and contradict both the penal code and other laws. This may lead to the lack of clarity of the amnesty law Many of its provisions should be referred to the Independent Commission for the purpose of interpreting the provisions of the general amnesty. The Committee, formed in 2011 under the amnesty, continues to interpret some provisions of the amnesty of 2011.

24. As for the Prevention of Terrorism Act, this law is a stone of reason and thought, which would muzzle the mouths and restrict public freedoms and cause them to be unconstitutional, especially Article 128 of the Constitution, which states: "The laws issued under this Constitution to regulate rights and freedoms shall not affect the essence of these rights Or the basic principles of the law. The Prevention of Terrorism Law touches upon the essence of the rights and their basic principles. Therefore, the general amnesty for promotion or persons who have not joined any organization and the mere expression of political opinion, especially from the age of 15-18, The so-called cover up on the A husband, brother or son shall not be tried by any woman in this matter because penal laws have been exempted from punishment.

25. Thus, all events, as well as older persons, must be covered by 60 years of age, male and female, including university students and school students accused of terrorism, without any material act causing direct damage to the homeland. None of them took up arms against Motherland. 

26. The coverage of the acts of article 149 also includes penalties for the undermining of the system of government, which has involved a large number of citizens, protesters, street demonstrators, journalists, writers and journalists in such a charge. This contravenes the freedom of opinion and expression. It must be included. This charge is often amended to describe the charge, especially if committed by children, through their trial in juvenile court.

27. It is also necessary to include the so-called disturbance of relations with a foreign state. If Netanyahu or Trump was mentioned and criticized for his support for the Zionist entity, and the proximity deal and the transfer of the embassy to Jerusalem, such acts must be included. A number of national figures Under the text of disturbing the relations stipulated by the Prevention of Terrorism Act, which violates the Constitution and is contrary to the freedom of opinion and expression and political rights. 

28. The crimes committed in contravention of the provisions of the Residence and Foreigners' Law No. 24 of 1973, where there are families that have been in existence for more than 40 years in Jordan and have fled their religion from Burma (Rohingya), for example, and brothers from the Arab world, must be included in the amnesty , Especially since Jordan is a safe haven for the Arab nation and Islam throughout history.

29. Inclusion of crimes contrary to the provisions of the Labor Law No. 28 of 1996 are irregularities that must be covered, especially in light of the difficult economic situation. We consider amnesty as a human aspect in the first place, not a material aspect. 

30. The fines resulting from violation of the provisions of the Traffic Law No. 49 of 2008 must be covered all of which are irregularities. It is not permissible to divide the texts between the coverage of Article 39.38 and not to include the rest of the violations, and there is a constitutional suspicion. 

31. It is necessary to emphasize that the murders stipulated in Article 326 / Penalties and the initiation of murder must be included and included in the murders also mentioned in article 328 regarding premeditated murder if the personal right is dropped so as to lead to tolerance, renunciation of violence or avenging The souls are relaxed. 

32. The offenses of causing death in violation of Article 330 / Penalties and the offenses of harming persons provided for in Articles 334 bis, 335 / Penalties shall be covered.

33. وكذلك جرائم المشاجرة المنصوص عليها في المادة 338/ عقوبات اذا كان هناك إسقاط حق شخصي وهذا امر محمود وايجابي ان يشمل بالعفو العام .

34. اما بخصوص جرائم الشيكات فأنني ارى شمول الشيكات غير المقترنة بالادعاء بالحق الشخصي وكذلك الشيكات التي يكون هناك ادعاء بالحق الشخص لان الشيكات في معظم دول العالم لا ترتب المساءلة الجزائية على الشيك، كما أن شمول الشيكات يعطى فرصة للمحكوم عليه العودة لعمله وتسديد ما يترتب عليه للدائن، والنفقة على اسرته وهذا أمر ضروري خاصة ان الحق الشخصي والمطالبة بقيمة الشيك قائم ويحق له الحجز التحفظي والتنفيذي والمنع من السفر ومن الممكن وضع مدة زمنية محددة لتسديد المبلغ المحكوم عليه وخاصة ان هناك قطاع التجار وهم كثر تم الزج بهم بالسجون نتيجة الاعسار بدفع ما يترتب عليهم من التزامات.

35. اما عدم شمول جرائم الذم والقدح والتحقير الواردة في مشروع العفو والمنصوص عليها في المواد 188/199 فهي اغرب ما رأيت في هذا القانون وقد هز المؤسسة القانونية خاصة وان هذه الجرائم قضايا ضعيفة تسقط في حال عدم وجود ادعاء بالحق الشخصي حكماً، وبالتالي لا يمكن ان نربط شمول قضايا القتل اذا كان هناك اسقاط حق شخصي وبين قضايا الذم والقدح حيث ان المشروع قد اشترط اسقاط الحق الشخصي وهذا الامر غير مقبول وكأنني اشعر ان هذه المادة قد فصلت تفصيلاً لبعض الاشخاص وهذا لا يجوز لا تشريعا.

36. وكذلك لا بد من شمول الجرائم الالكترونية وفتح صفحة جديدة مع المواطنين والراي العام .
37. اما بخصوص الجرائم الاخرى الواردة في المشروع فانه لا بد لتحقيق العدالة والمساواة في المجتمع أن أي جريمة يوجد فيها اسقاط الحق الشخصي لا بد من شمولها بالعفو العام وتترك اثراً ايجابياً تنعكس على المجتمع والدولة. 

38. وكذلك فلا بد من شمول العقوبات في القضايا التأديبية لطلاب الجامعات وغيرهم، وكذلك القرارات الصادرة بحق الاكاديميين في الجامعات والأساتذة التي تصدر بحقهم قضايا تأدبيه وعقوبات إدارية.
39. فلا بد أيضاً بما يتعلق في قانون الاسلحة النارية والذخائر رقم 34 لسنة 1952 من شمولهم بالعفو العام للقضايا المتعلقة بإرسال الاسلحة إلى فلسطين المحتلة والتي صدر بها أحكام لدى محكمة أمن الدولة او الافعال المتعلقة بمقاومة الاحتلال التي صدرت بها احكام على كثير من الاشخاص وخاصة المهندسين. 
40. كذلك شمول الحرائق الناشئة كردة فعل عن جرائم القتل بخصوص أهل المجني عليه خاصة بوجود مصالحة وطي الصفحة بين الاسر الاردنية للعيش بأمن وأمان وسلم. 
41. الابقاء على الجرائم المرتكبة خلافاً لأحكام محاكمة الوزراء رقم 35 لسنة 1952. 
42. لا يشمل العفو العام من وقع على اتفاقية الغاز مع العدو الصهيوني، أو ناقل البحرين أو اللحق الضرر بالدولة الاردنية من قبل الوزراء أو الحكومات المتعاقبة لأنه خرق للدستور وأضرار بالدولة الاردنية. 
43. كم لا بد من شمول جميع القضايا التي تتعلق بحرية الرأي والتعبير سواء كانت امام محكمة امن الدولة او المحاكم النظامية وخاصة قضية النائب السابق توجان فيصل التي حرمت من حقوقها السياسية بمجرد رأيها وموقفها السياسي في بيع اراضي الوطن.

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