آخر الأخبار
ticker بنك صفوة الإسلامي يعيّن رامي محمود رئيساً للخدمات المصرفية للشركات ticker مندوبا عن الملك وولي العهد .. العيسوي يعزي الحوراني وأبو عبيد ticker شراكة استراتيجية بين أورنج الأردن ودار الدواء للتنمية والاستثمار ticker خلال تجهيز أكبر قافلة مساعدات لغزة .. الملك: الهيئة الخيرية الهاشمية عكست صورة أردن النخوة ticker فعاليات ونشاطات متميزة لكلية العمارة والتصميم في عمان الأهلية ticker طب الأسنان في عمان الأهلية تنظم ورشة توعوية حول مرض السكري وآثاره ticker مذكرة تفاهم بين عمان الأهلية وشركة (جوباك) ticker 12.1 مليار دينار أردني تحويلات نقدية عبر "كليك" خلال العام 2024 ticker القاهرة عمان وماستركارد يوقعان اتفاقا لتطوير المدفوعات العابرة للحدود ticker جمعية النقل السياحي تعفي الشركات من الاشتراكات لعام 2025 ticker رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة يستقبل السفير الهنغاري ticker انطلاق بطولة الأمير الحسين الرابعة للشطرنج للجامعات ticker 23 بطولة ومعسكرا على الأجندة المزدحمة للمصارعة الأردنية في العام الجديد ticker "الأسد الأردني" جرّاح السيلاوي يتطلع لإلحاق أول خسارة بالروسي "سليمانوف" ticker العثور جثة لشاب مشنوقا في العقبة ticker رئيس مجلس الأعيان: الأردن قادر على مواجهة كل التحديات ticker وفد طلابي أميركي يزور مجلس الأعيان ticker انتصارات لاتحاد عمان والأهلي والجبيهة بدوري السلة ticker النائب عطية يطالب بتمديد إعفاء غرامة الضريبة والأقساط ticker لماذا يعهد الملك لولي العهد متابعة مجلس تكنولوجيا المستقبل ..؟؟

Jordan Ahli Bank chooses Fintech Galaxy platform for Open Banking readiness

هوا الأردن -

· Jordan Ahli Bank will leverage Fintech Galaxy’s FINX platform to become Open Banking compliant with international and local standards.

· Platform to enable Ahli Bank customers to share their financial and banking data with third parties and make account to account transfers, leveraging API technology.

· Jordan Ahli Bank will offer innovative and value-added Open banking-enabled services to its customers.

Jordan Ahli Bank, a leading Jordanian institution with over 60 years of banking experience, has joined forces with Open Banking and financial innovation firm Fintech Galaxy to fully comply with Open Banking and Open Finance regulations. Leveraging Fintech Galaxy’s FINX platform, Jordan Ahli Bank will ensure the utmost security and protection for customer data, empowering them to safely connect their accounts to TPP apps and have a comprehensive view of their transactions.

Jordan Ahli Bank is dedicated to incorporating technology and innovation into their banking services through their Open Banking initiative. By becoming Open Banking compliant, the bank will be able to offer better rates and value-added services to their customers. Collaborating with third-party providers (TPP) also will help Jordan Ahli Bank reduce costs and increase revenue, while leveraging the expertise and capabilities of these providers to create new and innovative products and services. This commitment to Open Banking is a testament to Jordan Ahli Bank's dedication to providing personalized and innovative banking services to their valued customers.

Jordan is working on numerous ongoing initiatives toward the digitization of the banking sector with the Central Bank of Jordan issuing new instructions in November 2022 aiming at fostering innovation and competition and supporting opportunities for transformation towards an inclusive and advanced digital economy. These instructions govern Open Finance services, providing, with authorized access to customer and business bank accounts for payments and banking data-related services.

Fintech Galaxy’s FINX platform will enable Jordan Ahli Bank to effortlessly align with Open Banking regulations while delivering exceptional value to their customers and adhering to robust security measures to safeguard customer data, cultivating trust and security.

Jordan Ahli Bank will leverage the FINX Open API Gateway with out-of-the-box compliance with Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Service (PIS) APIs, Third Party Provider (TPP) Management, and Consent Management based on regional standards. The bank will also be provided with all essential components, including the TPP Developer Portal with detailed Documentation for Public Consumer API, along with a step-by-step guide for TPP onboarding, an administrative full-featured dashboard for TPPs, a sandbox environment that simulates the production functionality, etc.

"We are thrilled to have partnered with Fintech Galaxy for Open Banking and Open Finance compliance," announced Dr. Ahmad Al-Hussein, CEO of Jordan Ahli Bank ."With Fintech Galaxy's innovative Open Banking solutions, we can now offer our customers the freedom to share their financial and banking data with third parties, leveraging API technology. This partnership will enable us to comply fully with Open Banking and Open Finance regulations and provide value-added services to our customers. Fintech Galaxy's FINX Comply solution has allowed us to become Open Banking compliant in record time. "

"Our partnership with Jordan Ahli Bank is a significant milestone for Fintech Galaxy. We believe that Open Banking and Open Finance are the future of financial services, and we are committed to supporting financial institutions in the MENA region as they innovate and redesign the future of financial services." – commented Mirna Sleiman, Founder and CEO of Fintech Galaxy.

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